The Ultimate Marketing Plan for Rehabilitation Centers and Therapists

Reputation Rehab 05/21/24
marketing plan for rehabilitation center

The addiction treatment landscape is constantly shifting, and so are the ways people search for help online. In 2021, California State reported 10,898 cases of people who died from drug-related overdose, which is equal to nearly 27 preventable drug-related overdose deaths per 100,000 people. That’s where Google Trends comes in, to boost those strategies in…

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How to Create An Effective Marketing Plan For a Rehabilitation Center

Reputation Rehab 10/01/23
marketing plan for a rehabilitation center

Not all marketing plans for rehabilitation centers will work. It takes a lot of research, planning, and even trial and error to get it right. And even then, you’ll need to make some adjustments along the way. It’s quite a process that requires patience, and of course, putting in the work.  The good news is,…

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Keys to Successful Marketing Plans for Rehabilitation Centers

Reputation Rehab 09/01/22
Marketing Plan for Rehabilitation Centers

Every marketing plan for rehabilitation centers will turn out to be a success or a failure. You do things right, you get the results that you’re after. Now, that, of course, is easier said than done, because doing things “right” involves several factors. And even if you do adhere to each step, success isn’t always…

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How Your Marketing Plan for Rehabilitation Center Should Evolve

Reputation Rehab 03/10/22
marketing plan for rehabilitation center

If you have experienced a fair amount of success with your current marketing, you can rest and enjoy the fruits of your labor, or you can keep pushing forwards. If you push forwards, then you run the risk of failing. On the other hand, if you rest and rely on your success, then your success…

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