Web Design and Press Releases: Important for Your Facility

Web Design and Press Releases: Important for Your Facility

“We’re a rehab and detox facility. Is it really important for your facility to have a nice website?” “Our job is to help folks’ mental health. Doesn’t seem right that we put out a press release.” Those are just some variations of things rehab facilities are concerned about. The truth is that both of those can help your rehab in real, tangible ways. In turn, that will make it possible for you to help more and more people to lead the lives that they want.

Web Design and Press Releases: Important for Your Facility

Web Design: A First Impression and More 

Imagine if someone sees your rehab facility for the first time, and it’s… messy, unkept, well you get the picture. Nothing seems clean or nice. Everything feels drab. Chairs are on their sides, blankets are on the floor, and you have to step gingerly around the food wrappers. That’s not the kind of rehab that most people would want themselves or their loved ones to go to. The same goes for a website that’s difficult to navigate. After all, so many potential patients, the first impression of your rehab will not come from your facility, but from your website. The better it is, the better the first impression you can make. 

Your Website = Your Facility Online 

By that same token, a website that looks great, that is easy to navigate, that loads quickly, is going to make a fantastic first impression. Whether it’s a conscious thought or not, potential patients are going to associate a high-quality website with a high-quality rehab facility. The websites Reputation Rehab built for their clients shows their true worth. They highlight what makes their client’s facility special, what makes people come there to address the issues in their lives. 

The Power of a Great Press Release 

A press release can introduce your facility to people that might not have been exposed to it otherwise. While it’s just one part of how we handle your PR, it can be a very powerful one. The number of backlinks and reach of our press releases have contributed as much as anything towards putting our rehab clients in front of more people than they can help. Right now, there are people who could use your facility looking for you online. With a great website, press releases, and so much more, the services we offer can make it more likely for them to find you. 

Beyond Web Design and Press Releases: Letting You Do Your Job 

You could build your own website. You could make your own press releases, as well as your own social media, blogs, and so much more. However, all of that takes time. It takes focus. It’s a lot of hard work. Specifically, that’s time, focus, and hard work that you could put towards the patients in your care. When you let their team of experts help, you free yourself and your staff up to do more of what you do best. If you’d like someone from their staff to look “under the hood” of your rehab facility, you can contact them today. 

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