Reputation Rehab Case Study: What We Can Do

Reputation Rehab Case Study: What We Can Do Rehab Case Study: What We Can Do

When you work with Reputation Rehabs team of experts, your information is always secure. So, while this is a real case study of a detox and rehab facility they’ve worked with, you can find there’s no sensitive information given out. That said, you can find details of the detox and rehab facility they’re teamed up with for multiple years now, spanning at least from August 2018 through August 2020. You will also find how this was a successful detox and rehab facility. They had been around for a few years, however, they came to us when their growth had stagnated. 

Reputation Rehab Case Study: What We Can Do

The Early Months 

On the other hand, they’ve realized it’s not necessary to mention too many clients: this does not happen overnight. Sure, it would be amazing if you signed up, and the next day you had so many more clients. However, as you know from detox and rehab, things just don’t work like that. The most successful things in life take time, it takes a while for a foundation to build. That’s how it started with this client, as you can see. In the first month, they didn’t have many leads at all. 

Google Organic 

Starting in November of 2018, that’s when it began to take off. You’ll note that the green in the bar graph got very large very quickly. That’s because they got so many more leads from Google Organic than they had previously. Additionally, they got more leads on Google Organic than they did anywhere else. It’s interesting because they only got a bit from Yelp at that time despite the fact this particular client has so many positive Yelp Reviews.

Direct Takes Off: May 2019 

Google Organic continues to get them more than any of the other forms right up until May 2019. That’s when “Direct” kicks in. This means people reached out to them. You’ll note that the “Red” in the bar graph goes from practically nonexistent to almost as big as the green in May 2019. That doesn’t mean that all of a sudden, this client suddenly got much better at being a detox and rehab facility. No, it means that the foundation Reputation Rehab had built for them was finally in place and rock solid. This means that their client is able to build on it, drawing in more people than ever. 

Ever After: June 2019 through the Present 

From there, it’s a modern success story. They’re rehab and detox able to help more people than ever before. Google Organic tapered off a bit, but only because much of that got subsumed into Google Local. That means more and more folks locally were reaching out to the detox and rehab. It’s crucially important to note that each of the colors in this bar graph isn’t just “colors” – they’re people. Specifically, they’re people in need who had the wherewithal to reach out to rehab. The client is quite proud of how the Reputation Rehabs team was able to put this rehab in a position to help more people live the lives. To see how they can do this for your contact, Reputation Rehab


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