
The Budget Planning Problems Of Marketing Inpatient Rehab

Reputation Rehab 11/10/22
Marketing Inpatient Rehab

Planning a budget is often tough, even when you have last year’s numbers to play with. When you are planning a budget for marketing inpatient rehab, you are going to struggle to come up with potential uptake numbers, and with the cost of middle-to-long-term advertising costs. Middle to Long Term Advertising Costs The initial budget…

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Advice On SEO for Mental Health Professionals

Reputation Rehab 11/01/22
SEO for Mental Health Professionals

Modern SEO for Mental Health Professionals is a little different from how it used to be. In the old days, your average medical center or health clinic would follow the same rules for SEO as other websites. These days, things are a little different. Medical professionals and health clinics are in a little niche of…

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Stop Overpaying For Substance Abuse Marketing

Reputation Rehab 10/24/22
Substance Abuse Marketing

Modern substance abuse marketing can be very expensive. There are many reasons for this, mostly due to marketing agencies and affiliate networks that charge extra for difficult-to-promote services. Setting up a marketing campaign that has an impact is difficult without a marketing service to do it for you, but that doesn’t mean you should be…

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Why Get Help With Your Healthcare Digital Marketing?

Reputation Rehab 10/17/22
Healthcare Digital Marketing

There are plenty of reasons to get help with your healthcare digital marketing. After all, you are a healthcare professional, you are not a marketing expert. You are not expected to do your own accountancy or legal work, so why are you expected to do your own digital marketing? Plus, digital marketing is a pretty…

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Why Drug Rehab Marketing is So Competitive

Reputation Rehab 10/10/22
Drug Rehab Marketing

There are several reasons why drug rehab marketing is so competitive. This article examines why what appears to be a niche medical area seems to be flooded with competitors. It isn’t because people are more addicted these days. Read on to find out more. Social Media is the Biggest Reason Why it is So Competitive…

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Time to Push For Long Term Rehab Marketing

Reputation Rehab 10/01/22
Rehab Marketing

The problem and biggest issue with most rehab marketing are that it works and exists in the very short term. This is the nature of the business. A marketing company has to offer quick results because most clients are not happy to pay now only to see their brand image improve three years later. As…

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Marketing Ideas For Rehabilitation Centers That Bring Desirable Results

Reputation Rehab 09/23/22
Marketing Ideas for Rehabilitation Centers

There are certain marketing ideas for rehabilitation centers that render desirable results. But that’s not always the case. If you run an addiction treatment facility, some of your strategies may turn out to be futile, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Given the rapid pace that the industry moves in, it’s always a hit-or-miss.  In…

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3 Drug Rehab Marketing Mistakes You Should Avoid

Reputation Rehab 09/16/22
Drug Rehab Marketing

Drug rehab marketing can work well to your advantage if you do it right. But if you make certain mistakes, it can prove to be costly, and you don’t want that. Especially if you’re new in the game, you will naturally commit these errors. But if you have a guide that could prevent that from…

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Effective SEO and Social Media Strategies for Marketing Inpatient Rehab Facilities

Reputation Rehab 09/09/22
Marketing Inpatient Rehab

Marketing inpatient rehab facilities can be a challenge. Because of how competitive this niche is, drawing enough attention to get more admissions for your facility requires the right strategies. And in this day and age where digital technology rules the marketing world, SEO and social media are two of the best and most effective weapons you…

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Keys to Successful Marketing Plans for Rehabilitation Centers

Reputation Rehab 09/01/22
Marketing Plan for Rehabilitation Centers

Every marketing plan for rehabilitation centers will turn out to be a success or a failure. You do things right, you get the results that you’re after. Now, that, of course, is easier said than done, because doing things “right” involves several factors. And even if you do adhere to each step, success isn’t always…

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